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HubSpot Software de Diseño Web

Descripción del producto

Un potente software de CRM que ayuda a tu equipo de ventas a cerrar más negocios, reforzar las relaciones comerciales y administrar el pipeline con más eficiencia, todo en una sola plataforma muy fácil de usar.

Resumen de precios

El Software de Diseño Web de HubSpot te ofrece 14 días de prueba y tiene planes que te permite crecer junto con tu sitio web.

  • $400 USD al mes (Pro)
  • $1,200 USD al mes (Enterprise)
Características principales

Incluye un CRM de ventas con todas las características, herramientas de interacción de ventas, funcionalidades de cotización, informes, análisis y mucho más. Además puede integrarse sin inconvenientes con más de 500 herramientas en el mercado de apps de HubSpot.


Todos tus esfuerzos y datos de ventas en un solo lugar

¿Tienes un proceso de ventas lento y tedioso? A lo mejor es debido a la fricción, ella es el enemigo más temido de los equipos de ventas, genera demoras y detiene el crecimiento de tu empresa.

Sales Hub elimina la fricción reuniendo todas las herramientas y los datos en una sola plataforma potente y fácil de usar que le encantará a todo tu equipo. Ahora tendrás tiempo para concentrarte en lo que realmente importa: tus clientes.


Todas tus herramientas de ventas en un solo lugar

Spend more time on what's important: marketing.




Popular features



SEO Recommendations

Find out how you can improve your site and do everything you need to do in one place, from the main SEO recommendations and optimizations page.


Website Themes

Use one of the default website themes with the custom development option. Create a consistent site without worrying about differences in layouts, logos or navigation menus.


Multi-language content creation 

Easily manage multiple language domains and optimize each for search. Allow users to switch languages.


Drag-and-drop editor  

Update and create pages without custom coding or developer assistance. Publishing changes on the fly has never been easier.


A-B adaptive testing  

Optimize your website easily and consistently. Create up to five variants of the same page; HubSpot will monitor them and choose the best performing one.


Lead attribution reporting 

Analyze the impact of your website and optimize your strategy by finding out which types of content, sources and campaigns attract the most leads.

Builds trust and cultivates lasting relationships


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Popular features.



Local website development 

Take advantage of tools like GitHub to manage version control and modify your website as needed.

Serverless features  

Add interactive elements, such as event registrations, guest bookings and calculators, without setting up an external server, SSL certificate or data transfer processes.

Website themes  

Create a site-wide content editing experience that gives your marketing team everything they need to manage and update what your users see. Start from scratch or use a default theme as a starting point.

Leave security in our hands.




Popular features



24-hour security monitoring and threat detection. 

With manual and automated tests, our security team is dedicated to protect your site from attacks, possible misuse or other anomalies.
CDN and custom configuration
Your site will never have downtime thanks to our global content delivery network (CDN), designed to handle very high levels of traffic. Custom CDN configuration is also available in the Enterprise edition.

Standard SSL Certificate

Your site will automatically have a standard SSL certificate to generate more trust in your brand among your web visitors and improve your Google ranking. It is also possible to purchase a higher level of security for the SSL certificate.

Activity logging and sharing  

Give your team the appropriate permissions and monitor changes and who makes them, so you can track usage and configure security settings accordingly.

Site performance monitoring  

Detect errors or outages on your site, high traffic areas or areas that are running slowly and evaluate your overall performance over time..

Reverse proxy support

Give your marketing teams the power to create and manage content while still loading it from a single trusted external hosting domain.

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This is the first step towards better growth
